How long will my order take until it ships?
Production time can vary, especially during the holiday season. For vinyl stickers, the production time is typically 7-14 business days. You will be notified when your order ships. Feel free to reach out to Sara on the Contact page if you need more details.
When will I get my order?
Shipping times vary. Please note that sometimes the postal service runs into delays which unfortunately is out of the sellers control once the package leaves her hands.
USA Standard: 2-7 business days
USA Expedited: 1-3 business days
Canada Standard or First Class Packages: 7-21 business days
International Standard or First Class Packages: 7-21 business days
International packages can take longer to get delivered depending on the postal carrier and the customs within your country. This is out of the sellers control.
I haven't received my order yet. What should I do?
Sorry to hear this! Sometimes orders get lost in transit. This is out of our control, but unfortunately it happens more than we would like. There are also times where other mistakes are made. Please fill out the contact form on the contact page in regards to your order.
Do I need to create an account at checkout?
No, you can checkout as a guest if you prefer. If you do create an account, it saves your information for quicker checkout for next time!
How are the vinyl stickers made? Are they durable?
We do not outsource any of the products. Everything is made in ouroffice under supervision and care. Stickers are made with a high quality vinyl and laminated* to secure the vinyl's quality. This means they have a gloss finish. They are fade resistant for a minimum of 1-2 years (depending on exposure). The stickers are waterproof and weatherproof. It isn’t recommended that they go in a dishwasher because of high heat. Harsh soaps could also loosen adhesive. The stickers are cut with professional equipment, providing consistent, precise and nice cutting.
*Sticker sheets are not laminated or waterproof- they are for journals, planners, bibles, etc.
Can I request a custom sticker order?
Not at this time. Sorry.